Sunday, November 22, 2009

Letting Love's Light Shine


Another circle around the sun is complete for me today. Time to reflect, give thanks and reset the sails to take full advantage of the Cosmic winds of change.

Everyone, it seems, is talking about the ending of the old and the bringing in of something new... new ways of living on the earth, with one another. Yet paradox is thick and wild around every corner.. as things speed up, we must slow down, global warming actually means cooling- for some, and for others becoming fully alive and free means passing over the threshold of earthly life into something greater... and for those left behind, we must learn a new way to dance, without those who used to occupy the space right beside us, but now who occupy all space, all around us and within us too.

Today my biggest realization came as a total surprise. All my life I have felt like an outsider, a misfit, a person living on some far outer edge while the rest of my collective seemed to dance to their own music which I seemed to give their lives meaning , rhythm and form. Yet I could not dwell there for long being a wild child of the edges and hidden places in life... but sometimes I would yearn for something of the ordinary life because it looked so cosy being full of such companionship.

But something has happened in the past year or so... something that has been building for over a decade now, but only this past year have things started to become really noticeable. While it is true that I still feel like an edgewalker, I notice that I am very much not alone anymore. There are many of us out here now. All leaning hard into the future to see what we can draw towards us that is good and new and full of hope and beauty in the simplest of ways. From where I root and grow, I hear whisperings from far away places.... whisperings for everyone to get on with becoming all of who they were meant to be this lifetime... their fully authentic selves living cooperatively with one another and with the Earth itself... for things ARE changing and nimbleness will serve us better than a stiff resolve. But stepping out of these old skins is not easy. However with a little help from a friend it can actually be easier than we ever dreamed possible.

Long ago I had a pet snake... a boa named Peanut. He was very personable and liked to actively play hide and seek when he was out and about. But when it came time to shed his skin his personality changed. He would withdraw and be a little moody or cranky. We learned not to disturb him too much during these times. He was inner directed then, and the impulses from the outer worlds were of no interest and were mostly useless to him at these times. He was gestating a new self. Eventually his eyes would cloud over and for a few hours he'd be very vulnerable, unable to see. We learned to be very quiet and respectful during these tender times as he let go of one skin in order to shine more beautifully after he emerged in his new one.

Once during this time of letting go I saw him rubbing his nose on the sole of a work boot so I knew it was time for him to rebirth himself. I was able to help him by peeling back the old skin from his head and then the most amazing thing happened.... while I held the collar of his shedding layer, he literally crawled out of his own skin and was re-born fresh and gleaming in the sun. His new skin held all the colours of the rainbow and glowed with an awesome radiance I will always remember. And he was back to his playful self once more.

Why tell this story? Because right now as a collective we are in that phase where we can feel the change coming but it is not quite here yet... so we are edgy and perhaps a bit cranky with the inner impatience we all feel as we are in that strange limbo place of making a shift into something as yet unknown where the old ways have not yet been fully released but where we are not yet fully emerged into our new skins either.

Also, every year as individuals we each get to crawl out of our old skin and get a fresh new clean slate on which to write the story of our year. In actuality each moment is a fresh clean slate, but since this posting is about the annual cycle around the sun, that will be what I take with me today as I move out into the world, freshly renewed and inspired to be a vessel for the creative force which is wanting to express the realm of Spirit into shape and form with Love.

For this past year I am grateful for so much! For my friends new and old, I am most grateful... you have helped me cross out of my old self and into something new and evolving with grace, joy and Truth.... thank you. For my "fans" who come here to see these creations and who are making their own lovely Faerie Works in places far away, I am so grateful for your continued support and caring .. it means so much to know that others out there "get" this kind of work and feel a kinship with root, stone and flower. I want to give a special note of gratitude to the sisters of the SV circle... you have been such a beacon of wisdom and hopeful compassion as I traversed inner doubts and confusions this year, thank you for your infinite well of acceptance. For my family who has been thru so much this past year.... I love you all. And finally, a special thank you to the little shape-shifting chipmunk friend who came along on so many of my building adventures this summer... your bright eyes and graceful gestures brought joy back into my heavy heart. Thank you for continuing to delight.

Namaste to One and All

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Welcome to the enchanted world of Environmental art and Faerie Houses sculptures created by Sally J Smith. Here you will find photos of the artist's unique art-forms and hear some of the stories from behind the scenes as she shares with you her creative process.