Join me as we step into this enchanted glen in the next few days.
In addition I want to let you know that soon, this blog will undergo a rather radical visual make-over . All of this is in preparation for the launch of my website, which is nearly ready. (YAY!!) As most websites are, it is and always will be a work in progress, but I hope my fans will enjoy each step along the way. It seemed the right time to make some changes here as well... so, don't be surprised if things start shape-shifting and morphing around here.... it's just another wave of creative expression washing over our little world and re-arranging our perceptions. Hopefully for the better !!
1 comment:
I love how the secret faerie door is tucked away behind the rocks. You captured the sunlight nicely.
I will wait with much anticipation for the shape-shifting that is to occur. I know that it will be magical, mystical, and lovely.
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