Happy New Year Everyone!!
Wishing a peaceful and prosperous 2012
to all beings who share this beautiful Earth
Wishing a peaceful and prosperous 2012
to all beings who share this beautiful Earth
Most everyone I know is glad to have the chance to start a new year. Last year was so tough for many people....not everyone, but it seems that the resounding chorus these days is a sincere sentiment something like: "Thank goodness we get to put that year behind us!"
I have to say that I agree.
So here we sit on the edge of a New Year. I saw a lovely card once that spoke of the New Year as a fresh blanket of snow, with the suggestion to tread carefully for each and every step we make will leave a mark. I feel a resonance with that idea as we turn over our journals, daybooks and calendars. ( You did get a calendar, didn't you? wink wink). Who doesn't like the idea of a fresh start?
But before we close the books entirely on last year, I have a tiny little apology to place here: for those of you who contacted me during the Holiday break, thank you and my sincere regret for not giving you a timely reply. My holiday activities had me away from my computer for most of the time. I found that I needed to take a much needed break for a few days and the span between Solstice and what much of the rest of the world celebrates as New Years was the perfect time to do some much needed contemplation and reflection, as well as planning and prioritizing. So, as a result, many of your emails and requests did not get a reply until very recently. I hope that was not a disappointment to you. But the studio is now open again and things are getting the attention they need and deserve.
Currently I am still working on the book project and am very pleased with how it is going. I also am waiting to hear back on several projects that were in development with other business partners and projects. I've also been invited to another state to conduct a workshop in Faerie House construction (will let you know when details are confirmed) and so I am/we are developing a plan for (finally) conducting more workshops this coming year... something many folks have been asking for and I am finally able to do. I am also helping to develop a few small projects on the local level with other volunteers for programs in my area which are close to my heart. There will also be a few more fine art painting projects coming off my painting table and I'm hoping to have at least one good gallery show for my one-of-a-kind Faerie Houses. And there are other plans in the works as well, but they are too misty for the moment to discuss. So for many of us, myself included, now is a time of deep dreaming and practical planning - woven together like a basket to hold the New Year and all its abundant potential.
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I love the deep nights of winter because we have the chance to become quiet inside, if we choose. Yes, the outer world of holiday-making and festivities can be overwhelming just like the rich meals and overabundance of sweets and goodies that seem to go with this season. However, a simple walk in the woods at this time of year can bring one into a deeply restive and quiet space within, if one lets it. The forest is so quiet wrapped in its shrouds of snow and low-angled sun here in the north. Only a few of the hardiest of birds are heard from time to time. No leaves rustle overhead or crunch underfoot. No insects buzz or hum. It is a time of deep stillness, long starry nights and moving with very careful steps whether one is on ice or fresh snow.
May the peace and stillness of this pause in time bring you refreshment and a chance to center yourself as we prepare to enter the coming year. From all angles it appears that the coming year will be one of powerful growth and positive transformation. I know there are many people who are feeling all sorts of mixed feelings about this year because so much has been made of what it might "mean" for our collective. One thing that Nature teaches me is that while it is good to prepare for what we want to have happen, it is also good to remain flexible to what will happen... sometimes the two are not the same and if we are too emotionally or egoistically attached to the former, we may miss out on the opportunities and gifts of the latter. So here's to dancing on the edge of all the positive potentials of the New Year and diving in to fully receive and enjoy all the goodness that it can bring.
Very best wishes to you all,
I have to say that I agree.
So here we sit on the edge of a New Year. I saw a lovely card once that spoke of the New Year as a fresh blanket of snow, with the suggestion to tread carefully for each and every step we make will leave a mark. I feel a resonance with that idea as we turn over our journals, daybooks and calendars. ( You did get a calendar, didn't you? wink wink). Who doesn't like the idea of a fresh start?
But before we close the books entirely on last year, I have a tiny little apology to place here: for those of you who contacted me during the Holiday break, thank you and my sincere regret for not giving you a timely reply. My holiday activities had me away from my computer for most of the time. I found that I needed to take a much needed break for a few days and the span between Solstice and what much of the rest of the world celebrates as New Years was the perfect time to do some much needed contemplation and reflection, as well as planning and prioritizing. So, as a result, many of your emails and requests did not get a reply until very recently. I hope that was not a disappointment to you. But the studio is now open again and things are getting the attention they need and deserve.
Currently I am still working on the book project and am very pleased with how it is going. I also am waiting to hear back on several projects that were in development with other business partners and projects. I've also been invited to another state to conduct a workshop in Faerie House construction (will let you know when details are confirmed) and so I am/we are developing a plan for (finally) conducting more workshops this coming year... something many folks have been asking for and I am finally able to do. I am also helping to develop a few small projects on the local level with other volunteers for programs in my area which are close to my heart. There will also be a few more fine art painting projects coming off my painting table and I'm hoping to have at least one good gallery show for my one-of-a-kind Faerie Houses. And there are other plans in the works as well, but they are too misty for the moment to discuss. So for many of us, myself included, now is a time of deep dreaming and practical planning - woven together like a basket to hold the New Year and all its abundant potential.
* * * * * * *
I love the deep nights of winter because we have the chance to become quiet inside, if we choose. Yes, the outer world of holiday-making and festivities can be overwhelming just like the rich meals and overabundance of sweets and goodies that seem to go with this season. However, a simple walk in the woods at this time of year can bring one into a deeply restive and quiet space within, if one lets it. The forest is so quiet wrapped in its shrouds of snow and low-angled sun here in the north. Only a few of the hardiest of birds are heard from time to time. No leaves rustle overhead or crunch underfoot. No insects buzz or hum. It is a time of deep stillness, long starry nights and moving with very careful steps whether one is on ice or fresh snow.
May the peace and stillness of this pause in time bring you refreshment and a chance to center yourself as we prepare to enter the coming year. From all angles it appears that the coming year will be one of powerful growth and positive transformation. I know there are many people who are feeling all sorts of mixed feelings about this year because so much has been made of what it might "mean" for our collective. One thing that Nature teaches me is that while it is good to prepare for what we want to have happen, it is also good to remain flexible to what will happen... sometimes the two are not the same and if we are too emotionally or egoistically attached to the former, we may miss out on the opportunities and gifts of the latter. So here's to dancing on the edge of all the positive potentials of the New Year and diving in to fully receive and enjoy all the goodness that it can bring.
Very best wishes to you all,
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