
Monday, September 23, 2019

Holocene Twilight

This post may be disturbing for some readers. I make no apologies. As an artist who creates visions of idyllic fantasies I often question my purpose and my work. I have spent much time “soul wrestling” as one of my teachers calls it… the process that happens when we are waking up to an uncomfortable truth yet we do not yet have our course of new action/purpose fully charted yet.

Watching and listening to the Climate Crisis protests this week-end has been so deeply moving. That this was conceived of and organized by the youngest members of our global humanity was so inspiring. Greta’s fearlessness and tenacity show us that nothing is impossible if we just decide to make a difference, be mindful of our choices and then take persistent, focused action. And do not give up!

I dedicate this work to her spirit and to all the people who are rising up, speaking up, and supporting policies and people who are on the frothy edge of this transition…may the wave continue to build and may we all pull together to change our course before it is too late.

An idyllic home set in an abundant, lush location brimming with life. Golden sunshine dappled thru the apple tree on the edge of the clear water, dragonflies hovered and zoomed… it was heaven on earth and we had our place in it all beautifully made.

Holocene Twilight

As twilight settled, we were blissfully unaware… but something was wrong and it was of our own making.

Holocene Twilight

At first the shock of what was happening so suddenly made it impossible to focus or understand… was this a dream? How did this happen? Yet it was clear…. our home is burning.

Holocene Twilight

Will it be too late?

Holocene Twilight

I urge everyone:
  • educate yourself to what the science is saying
  • stop denying what is happening to our planet, to the oceans and to wildlife
  • figure out what you can do in your own life to make positive choices that support a better future
  • read, read read. Listen, listen, listen. Be humble.
  • Be fearless. You are not alone.
  • support politicians who support policies that protect the earth, wildlife and indigenous cultures
  • use your power as a consumer to bring about positive change. Plant-based dining is here now because consumers demand it. Electric vehicles are here now because consumers demand it. The cost of solar panels has dropped phenomenally in the past decade because consumer demand has businesses scrambling to make a good, clean living.
  • question all the ways you have been programmed to want “stuff”. Capitalism as it is currently built is unsustainable.
  • do not give in to hopelessness. We built this problem, we can solve it. The time to act is now.

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