Thursday, September 3, 2009

Vision to Form

Sometimes it is the simplest things that are the hardest to do.

Take two sticks and some round rocks.
Make an arch.

When I saw this curved space for the first time, I spent a lot of time imagining what would enhance the space but not be overwhelming for the beautiful curved emptiness that had been created by the river itself. The bedrock is a polished masterpiece of line and curve. I returned over several days to watch how the light passed thru the place, bounced off the rocks and illuminated the shadow areas... and after a few days, I could visualize a curved arch of river stones marching over the top of space... but HOW to make it??

I had some curved cedar branches with me... I tried a few test experiments and everything flew apart as soon as I attempted to get more than 2 stones on the arch... but yet... I was really determined to keep at it and see if I could do it... Like a puzzle you feel you can accomplish if you just give it one more effort.

The important thing is to not give up... finally, after more than 20 unsuccessful attempts the rocks balanced one against the other and I was so astonished to see it just hanging there in the curved space... then, as a bonus, the sun created some really interesting shadows with the stones. I got to take all my photos and then just enjoy the sculpture for another few minutes before the sun went behind the trees. After a final farewell to the archway-portal, I left it there and came home. It felt really good to stick with a vision and find a way to make it come into form... even if I had to re-do it so many times. A good piece of work is worth the effort... that is why it is so satisfying once you see it in front of you... because you know how hard you worked to get there.

Patience and perseverance to your days , everyone... it will be worth all the effort once you find the perfect way to frame the task and bring it all the way from vision to form... no matter what the project is... vision to form is a great journey.

1 comment:

Ken said...

very cool piece Sally ... and I admire your p's ...
(patience and persistence : )

Welcome to the enchanted world of Environmental art and Faerie Houses sculptures created by Sally J Smith. Here you will find photos of the artist's unique art-forms and hear some of the stories from behind the scenes as she shares with you her creative process.